Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Melukis diatas kain

Hey friend!!! This time I want to share about my experience in painting clothes. Incidentally there casionik fabric of chiffon that has not been sewn. A few years ago I learned painting on fabric with my senior at  Kopassus. And my painting equipment is still incomplete, unfortunately if not used for something good want to make plain fabric with good pictures, .. then I took the initiative to sweeten it with fabric paint to give to My Mom.

And,.. Perhaps among friends there who are confused friends will fill the free time to do what .. eeiittss,, do not be confused!! of the troubled thinking of the problem, ... 'd better try to charge the spare time to painting on fabric .. 

How easy anyway!! The following tools and materials you need to prepare,...  there are lefranc paint,  brush is recommended to choose a brush with good quality (lyra,, etherna) .. This brush has a wide variety of shapes and sizes .. brush use according to your design drawings, and then palette would be better if the palette is white so mixing colors can be seen clearly and in accordance with our wishes. 

then we will prepare a pattern / picture on cloth / fabric, I use carbon... that will be easier for me to move the image on the cloth to be painted. remember, do not put it upside !! The pencil will be used to copy the image when the carbon has been put on the cloth,...

As for the manufacturing steps are as follows,... First of all I would prepare my fabric painting,.. we can paint on fabric, t-shirt, veil, tablecloths, etc.   I move the design which  I have prepared by putting carbon on the fabric that will be my painting,.... And the I Prepared palette that has been filled with water and pour the paint you want to use to color the picture ..   Color the picture little by little .. provide an appropriate mix of colors to appear more attractive .. can also use the light so that dark images appear life ..  For the edges of picture,... I use a small brush to make it look more presentable .. And the last, remember!! Do not use too much water because then the "BLOBOR" especially for very thin material,.. Thus the info I can tell .. Hopefully it can be useful for a friend of a friend .. :) sorry if not complete, still amateurs .. hehehehehe,....

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